EMN Webinars – 2021

EMN Webinars – 2021 EMN Webinars Viral Infection in Algal Blooms.. & The Glycosphingolipid-based Arms Race..(Mar 22) Viral Infection in Algal Blooms.. and The Glycosphingolipid-based Arms Race.. Prof. Assaf Vardi & Dr. Guy Schleyer (March 22, 2021) EMN WebinarsTidyMS: A Tool for Preprocessing.. & Improving Data Quality in Metabolomics.. (Apr 27) TidyMS: A Tool for

EMN Webinars – 2020

EMN Webinars – 2020 EMN Webinars Individuality and Its Role in Multi-Omics Based Studies (Feb 4) Human Metabolic Individuality and Its Role in Multi-Omics Based Studies Dr. Karsten Suhre (February 4, 2020) EMN WebinarsDecomposing Complex Metabolite Mixtures…& Unraveling the Neonatal Metabolome (Jun 19) Decomposing Complex Metabolite Mixtures…& Unraveling the Neonatal Metabolome Dr. Justin van Der

EMN Webinars – 2019

EMN Webinars – 2019 EMN Webinars Spectrometry in Metabolomics to Deepen the Understanding of Metabolisms – Dr. Hiroshi Tsugawa (Apr 23) Computational Mass: Spectrometry in Metabolomics to Deepen the Understanding of Metabolisms Dr. Hiroshi Tsugawa (April 23, 2019) EMN Webinars A Combined NMR and MS: Metabolomics Approach to Study Neurodegenerative Diseases – Dr. Robert Powers

EMN Webinars – 2018

EMN Webinars – 2018 EMN Webinars Metabolomics as a Hypothesis Generator for Understanding Metabolic Regulation – Prof. Uwe Sauer (Feb 14) Metabolomics as a Hypothesis Generator for Understanding Metabolic Regulation Prof. Uwe Sauer (February 14, 2018) EMN Webinars Can We Capture an Accurate View of Cell or Tissue Specific Metabolism from an Expression Profile? –

EMN Webinars – 2017

EMN Webinars – 2017 EMN Webinars How Well Do I Quantify? Concepts for Method Validation and Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Metabolomics – Assoc. Prof. Stephan Hann (Mar 24) How Well Do I Quantify? Concepts for Method Validation and Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Metabolomics Assoc. Prof. Stephan Hann (March 24, 2017) EMN Webinars Machine

EMN Webinars – 2016

EMN Webinars – 2016 EMN Webinars How Close are We to Metabolomics Reproducibility? Data Sharing, Data Standards and Workflows for Metabolomics – Dr. Reza Salek (Mar 24) How Close are We to Metabolomics Reproducibility? Data Sharing, Data Standards and Workflows for Metabolomics Dr. Reza Salek (March 24, 2016) EMN Webinars Chromatography and Metabolomics: What’s the

EMN Webinars – 2015

EMN Webinars – 2015 EMN Webinars Metabolomics: Only Suitable for Multidisciplinary Teams – Dr. Oscar Yanes, Department of Electronic Engineering, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain (Jan 29) Metabolomics: Only Suitable for Multidisciplinary Teams Dr. Oscar Yanes, Department of Electronic Engineering, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain (January 29, 2015) EMN Webinars Large-Scale, Computational and Empirical UHPLC-MS-SPE-NMR