International Affiliates
French speaking Metabolomics and Fluxomics Network
The RFMF (“Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et Fluxomique”) was founded in July 2005 ( It aims at bringing together all those scientists in France and in French speaking countries who contribute to the development of metabolomics and fluxomics, and more broadly to the study of metabolism. RFMF is a French registered independent, not-for-profit association. It has been governed by an elected Board of Directors since 2007, consisting of a president, vice-president, scientific communications officer, secretary, treasurer, and six other board members. The Board usually meets every two months by videoconferencing. The RFMF aims are:
- To make an inventory and promote the skills of French-speaking countries in the fields of metabolomics and fluxomics
- To assess the strengths, weaknesses and identify opportunities within the French-speaking community in this field
- To promote the growth and development of metabolomics in French-speaking countries
- To provide a broad range of opportunities for collaboration between laboratories or facilities in metabolomics and beyond
- To provide and support scientific meetings or workshops in metabolomics and fluxomics and to create environments that will catalyse peer interactions and collaborations among researchers within this field and beyond
- To facilitate knowledge transfer to students and newcomers in the field and help students to promote their work
- To promote the recognition, nationwide and worldwide, of French activities in metabolomics and fluxomics
Since 2005, scientific symposia have been organized yearly by the RFMF in France, and Belgium. These RFMF meetings generally bring together more than 250 scientists across all levels of education and from several fields in chemistry, biology, mathematics or physics. Members come from a hundred academic or governmental laboratories (e.g. from INRAE, CNRS, INSERM or CEA) mainly from France but also from several European and Mediterranean countries and industrial companies. RFMF provides travel grants each year to cover the costs for highly-motivated students or post-docs to attend scientific meetings such as the annual international conference of the Metabolomics Society. RFMF organizes summer school on practical aspects of metabolomics, fluxomics and metabolic network modelling.
Since 2013, the RFMF has been affiliated with the international metabolomics society, the Metabolomics Society (
In 2014, the RFMF established a Junior RFMF membership for members under 33 years old. Its mission is to focus on formal and informal exchanges between young researchers. A junior RFMF board is elected and works in close collaboration with the RFMF board. The junior board has initiated important actions such as a yearly PhD award and the organization of seasonal schools.
Contact information:
President: Audrey Le Gouellec (
Vice-President: Pierre Pétriacq (
Treasurer: Florence Mehl (
Secretary: Justine Bertrand Michel (
Scientific communication officer: David Touboul (
Australian New Zealand (ANZ) Metabolomics Society
The new Australian and New Zealand Metabolomics Society ( emerged from the ANZ Network of Metabolomics.
In 2021, the Australia and New Zealand Metabolomics Network (ANZMN) transitioned to the Australian and New Zealand Metabolomics Society. This important transition formally recognizes our efforts to promote the development of metabolomics in Australasia.
The aim of the society is to actively promote opportunities for collaboration, presenting research, and facilitate training for researchers from academia, industry and governmental within the field and connected areas.
Contact information:
President: Horst Joachim Schirra (
Vice-President: Nicola Gray-Whiley (

Italian Metabolomics Network (IMN)
The Italian Metabolomics Network (IMN) ( is a free and non-profit scientific network born in in 2021. Since January 2024, IMN is an International Affiliate of the Metabolomics Society.
IMN aims at being a home for all researchers doing metabolomics in Italy, bringing together people with different backgrounds actively working in the field of metabolomics, and, more broadly, in the study of metabolism. The Network is open to everybody, no matter the research topic, or the technique used, or the professional level, or the scientific background, or the affiliation.
Contact information:
Luigi Atzori, University of Cagliari (
Andrea Armirotti, IIT, Genova (
Pietro Franceschi, Fondazione E. Mach, Trento (
Korea Metabolomics Society
The Korea Metabolomics Society, KoMetS (, was founded in July 2012 following two earlier national metabolomics conferences in April 2010 and 2011. With metabolomics research growing rapidly in Korea and because of the success of these earlier conferences, these meetings are now run annually as the flagship event of the national KoMetS. The Society is dedicated to leading the development of world-class metabolomics within Korea.
Contact information:
President: Kwanghyeon Liu (
Vice-President: Joo-Youn Cho (
Latin American Metabolic Profiling Society
LAMPS ( is a non-profit network with a mission to promote the growth and development of the field of metabolomics, particularly on the Latin American region; to provide the opportunity for association among Latin American workers in that science and in related sciences and connections between academia and industry in the field of metabolomics; to provide opportunities for presentation of research achievements as well as for organizing workshops; to promote the publication of meritorious research in the field; and further, to carry on any other activity in support of and to benefit the above purposes.
Contact information:
Maria Eugenia Monge (
Julien Wist (
Metabolomics Association of North America (MANA)
The Metabolomics Association of North America (MANA) was formed in 2017 by members in Canada, Mexico, and the USA in an effort to leverage cooperation and coordination into advancement of the field. Its mission is to promote the growth and development of the field of metabolomics on the continent of North America; to provide the opportunity for association among North American researchers in metabolomics sciences and in related fields, including connections between academia and industry; to provide opportunities for presentation of research achievements and for workshops; to promote the publication of meritorious research in the field; and to carry on any other activity to benefit the better understanding of metabolism in microbes, plants, animals and humans. Contact information: President: Ewy Mathé ( Vice-President: Ian Lewis ( Secretary: Ryan Sheldon ( Treasurer: Maryam Goudarzi ( South Africa
The Metabolomics South Africa (MSA, was formed in 2018; and as of July 2018, MSA is an International Affiliate of the Metabolomics Society, with shared goals and mission in advancing the field of metabolomics. MSA is an independent, non-profit organization, governed by the committee directors. The metabolomics community in South Africa comprises growing world-class research groups and facilities that are diverse in their research focus. The mission of MSA is to promote the growth and development of the field of metabolomics, particularly in South Africa (and, by extension, in Africa); to promote and facilitate relations and collaborations among scientists in the field and related sciences; and to facilitate connection between academia, government and industry. The MSA is established to improve the profile of metabolomics research and technology in South Africa and to foster networking, training, information sharing, mentoring, and career opportunities.
Contact information:
Chair: Fidele Tugizimana (;
Secretary: Du Toit Loots (
Deputy Secretary: Aurelia Williams (
Admin Support: Molati Nonyane (
Netherlands Metabolomics Centre
The Netherlands Metabolomics Centre is an independent foundation, open to international partners. NMC unites universities, university medical centres, research institutes and private partners ranging from multinationals to SMEs in their endeavors to develop metabolomics technologies and to apply these in the broad field of life sciences. Our partners are active in all life sciences application areas, ranging from pharmaceuticals to nutrition, plants and industrial biotechnology. NMC is a founding partner of the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences, home of the Dutch node ELIXIR, the European Life Sciences data research infrastructure. Furthermore, NMC collaborates with BBMRI, the European biobank research infrastructure.
NMC stimulates public-private agenda setting, development of (inter)national research projects, standardization efforts and the upkeep and further development of metabolomics research facilities. Furthermore the foundation fosters activities in the field of education & professional training, lobbying at (inter)national granting organizations, communication and knowledge dissemination of Metabolomics Technologies including the associated data analysis, (multi-omics) data fusion and modelling of research data in the context of Integrated Life Sciences.
Contact information:
Director: Merlijn van Rijswijk (
Chairman of the Board: Robert Hall (
Scientific Director: Thomas Hankemeier (
Nordic Metabolomics Society
The Nordic Metabolomics Society was established in Fall 2017 with a mission to promote the development of metabolomics in the Nordic region by providing opportunities for collaboration, presenting research and facilitating training and mobility of scientists within the field and with connected areas in academia, industry and governmental bodies.
Contact information:
Chair of the Board: Guro F. Giskeødegård (
Vice-Chair of the Board: Alex Dickens (
Secretary: Otto Savolainen (
Polish Society of Metabolomics
Polish Society of Metabolomics ( is a registered scientific association established in 2017. The main aim of PSM is to develop a platform to disseminate the knowledge and exchange experience to support and promote the development of metabolomics in Poland. To achieve this, PSM organizes the annual scientific conference “Metabolomic Circle”, training and expert meetings and creates opportunities for collaboration in metabolomics in academia and industry.
Contact information:
President: Michal.Ciborowski (
Vice-president: Wieslaw Wiczkowski (
Secretary: Joanna Godzien (
Scottish Metabolomics Network
The Scottish Metabolomics Network aims to represent and support the views and aims of the diverse small molecule metabolite labs in Scotland. Founded in 2014 it spans research areas from cancer to synthetic biology. Through this network, we aim to provide a forum for exchange of ideas; enable students and early career researchers to present their work and receive feedback; build links with allied international metabolomics societies and industry and to promote the use of metabolomics in Scotland.
Contact information:
Chair: Nik Rattray (
Outgoing Chair: Will Allwood (
Secretary: Phil Whitfield (
Treasurer: Natalie Homer (
Swiss Metabolomics Society
The Swiss Metabolomics Society was founded in 2014 to foster the interactions and collaborations among academic researchers and industrial partners, to promote education and outreach activities. Switzerland hosts a very active and influential community in the field of metabolomics, thus making an important impact in metabolism research in a wide variety of scientific areas, from environmental chemistry and chemical ecology to biomedical research, pharmacology and clinical studies.
Contact information:
Co-President: Julijana Ivanisevic (
Co-President: Pablo Sinues (
Thailand Metabolomics Society (TMS)
The Thailand Metabolomics Society (TMS) ( was initiated in 2017 by researchers from Mahidol University’s Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. (BIOTEC), the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).
Our Mission
- To promote research and development of metabolomics research in Thailand at the international level.
- To exchange knowledge, expertise, and resources in metabolomics between national and international institutions.
- To promote the applications of metabolomics in various fields i.e., medicine and public health, natural products and pharmaceutical chemicals, food, agriculture, food, and nutrition.
Contact information:
Chair: Prof. Dr. Yongyut Sirivatanauksorn (
Vice-Chair: Dr. Wannopo Visessanguan
Vice-Chair: Assoc. Prof. Pornchai Rojsitthisak
Singapore Society of Mass Spectrometry
The Singapore Society for Mass Spectrometry (SSMS) is a non-profit organisation with the objective to promote and disseminate information on mass spectrometry within Singapore and the regional countries.
SSMS sponsors the Annual Workshop on Mass Spectrometry, as well as hosts periodic seminars and informal meetings to share mass spectrometry-related research and technology advances. Visit us online at
Contact information:
Main Contact – Vice President: Jianhong Ching (
President: Wei Wu (
Secretary: Qifeng Lin (
Benefits Of Affiliation
The Metabolomics Society seeks the opportunity to work more closely with both regional and national metabolomics communities, to jointly advance and promote the development, adoption and application of metabolomics approaches in scientific research.
Accordingly, the Board of Directors has developed a framework to establish more formal relationships with established metabolomics organizations or networks. The Society anticipates that these relationships will enhance both parties’ effectiveness and promote public awareness of one another’s resources, such as publications, services and electronic information, and to communicate with one another in a timely manner regarding the planning of conferences to maximize synergies and advertising. Another important aim is to pursue joint initiatives of mutual benefit, such as organizing application-specific metabolomics meetings as well as training opportunities for scientists at all levels and from all biological disciplines.
We welcome inquiries from already established regional or national metabolomics organizations who share a mission to further the advancement of metabolomics science, in line with the mission of the international Metabolomics Society. Please contact Matej Orešič at for further information.