Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Metabolic Phenotyping
Bursaries for this course are now available for PhD students and Early Career Researchers funded by the BBSRC, MRC or NERC.
This 2-day course will provide a comprehensive overview of the application of quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) in metabolic phenotyping. The course is aimed at students and researchers who are actively working in the field. Experts who have developed the application of QA and QC procedures within the field will lead the course. It will include both theoretical and practical components to,
- Introduce QA and QC in metabolic phenotyping
- The application of QA and QC in untargeted and targeted studies
- Preparation of QCs and data acquisition
- Data processing and reporting standards
The course will finish with a question and answer session with a panel of experts.
For further information and registration details, please visit http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/facilities/metabolomics-training-centre/courses/quality-phenotyping.aspx or contact bmtc@contacts.bham.ac.uk.