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NIH-funded 2nd Annual Workshop on Metabolomics

Jun 02, 2014 - Jun 05, 2014

A four day workshop on metabolomics. Interested students, postdocs and faculty should apply to attend the Workshop by registering here.

Registration is open until April 18th, 2014. The workshop will be limited to 40 attendees, each application requires two letters of support, a CV and proposal on why metabolomics is important in the applicant’s training, research and career development. Women and Minorities are Strongly encouraged to apply. Please contact us if you have further questions.

There will be 20 fellowships for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows attending the workshop. The fellowships will provide up to $1200 of travel and hotel expenses. Selection will be based on information provided by the applicants.
Upon Acceptance, the fee for attendees is:
$300 – for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows
$750 – for faculty at academic, government, and non-profit organizations
$1,500 – for-profit organizations
The fee includes course tuition and syllabus, breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks and the Workshop dinner (but not hotel accommodation or travel for out-of-town attendees). The fee will be payable upon acceptance into the course.

The training in the workshop will involve hands-on as well as class room training. Materials from the 2013 Metabolomics workshop are available online.

Speakers include:

Stan Hazen, MD (Cleveland Clinic) – Application of Metabolomics in a Clinical Study (Plenary talk)
Kathleen Stringer, PhD (U. Michigan) – Sample extraction in Metabolomics
Grier Page, PhD (RTI International) – Experimental Design in Metabolomics
Susan Sumner, PhD, (RTI International) – Principles, collection and analysis of NMR data in metabolomics,
Keith Baggerly, PhD (MD Anderson) – Unexpected Sources of Variation in –Omics data
Xiuxia Du, PhD (UNC Charlotte) and Paul Benton, PhD (Scripps) – Analysis of MS data (online and command line versions of XCMS software)
Dean Jones, PhD (Emory University) – Pathway Analysis and Integration of –Omics data

The UAB Metabolomics Workshop is a part of the NIH Common Fund Metabolomics Program. Further information about the Program can be obtained by visiting our website.

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Jun 2, 2014
Jun 5, 2014
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