MOVISS “Mountain Village Science Series”
Following the success of the first MOVISS “Mountain Village Science Series” Bio&Data, we would like to invite you to be a part of making the second even better!
The workshop/meeting will take place on 9th to 12th of September 2018 in Vorau near Vienna, Austria. We want to combine hiking with a nice meeting full of discussions and interaction as well as a good location in mountains.
MOVISS is different to the usual conferences. It is designed as a small, problem-driven meeting, full of discussions and questions about how to deal with metabolomics data reasonably. In this way, we hope to constructively engage some of the greatest minds collaboratively on solving some of the challenges of the metabolomics and bioinformatics community.
The scientific topics this year are:
- Shiny design: What is important when designing experiments?
- Misty mountains: How to find peaks hidden in mists? What is a real peak?
- Mountain safety: awareness of strengths and weakness of statistical tools
- Home run: Results Interpretation – Be creative, critical and think next?
Key dates for your diary:
Feb 1, Opening registration and abstracts
Apr 30, Deadline for abstracts
May 15, Acceptance of abstracts
May 30, Early registration fee payment
Jul 31, Standard registration fee payment