Metabolomics Short Course (Workshop)
Metabolomics Short Course Announcement
Course Organizer: Bill Wikoff, UC Davis
A metabolomics short course (aka “workshop“) will be offered immediately preceding the ABRF2011 meeting in San Antonio, TX.
Workshop Description: Metabolomics can be defined as the systems-level investigation of small molecules and metabolites in biological systems. The course will provide an overview of the field, and is designed for the scientist who wants an introduction to metabolomics, with an emphasis on practical, mass spectrometry-based approaches, presented in a clear scientific framework. The entire process of metabolomics, from study design, sample preparation and extraction, chromatography, mass spectrometry, data processing and analysis will be presented. Topics will include: types of detectors and their relative merits for specific metabolomics applications, including quadrupole, triple quad, ion trap, TOF, QTOF, and FT-ICR. Ionization sources. Application of LCMS and GCMS, including a comparison of observable compounds in these techniques. Brief coverage of specialized instruments: GC-QQQ, GC-TOF, chemical ionization. Methods for sample extraction. Targeted versus untargeted methods. Peak integration, data alignment, and software. Data analysis approaches will be discussed, including uni- and multi-variate statistics, with an emphasis on selecting straightforward approaches appropriate for a given problem. Basic statistics for metabolomics: types of t-tests, multiple testing correction, False Discovery Rate, basic multivariate methods. Approaches to biomarker discovery; metabolomics in drug discovery. Review and discussion of selected publications from the literature (case studies). Some familiarity with mass spectrometry and analytical chemistry is preferred, but background will be provided.
Format: A one day short course.
Contact email: wrwikoff@ucdavis.edu
TRAVEL AWARDS are available to defer expenses of this workshop http://conf.abrf.org/index.cfm/page/awards/Satellite_Award.htm.
Deadline is approaching…Apply now!
Meeting link: http://conf.abrf.org/
Workshop Sponsorship generously provided by:
Waters Corporation