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Metabolomics Data Processing and Data Analysis Online Course

Feb 20, 2017 - Mar 17, 2017

This four-week online course will explore the tools and approaches that are used to process and analyse metabolomics data, we will investigate the challenges that are typically encountered in the analysis of metabolomics data and provide solutions to overcome these problems. The course will be delivered using a combination of short videos, articles, discussions, and online workshops with step-by-step instructions and test data sets. We will provide quizzes, polls and peer review exercises each week, so that you can review your learning throughout the course. The material will be delivered over a four week period, with an estimated learning time of four hours per week. If you do not have time to complete the course during the 4-week period you will retain access to the course material to revisit, as you are able.

Registration fee: Early-bird £200, Standard £220

For further information and registration details, please visit http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/facilities/metabolomics-training-centre/courses/Metabolomics-Data-Processing-and-Data-Analysis.aspx or contact bmtc@contacts.bham.ac.uk.

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