Introduction to Metabolomics for the Environmental Scientist
Bursaries for NERC funded scientists: While this course is open to all researchers with an interest in the environmental sciences, it is a NERC-funded Advanced Training Short Course and hence priority will be given to NERC funded scientists; this includes NERC PhD students (highest priority), NERC PDRA’s and Fellows (next highest priority) and principal and co-investigators who currently hold NERC funding.
This 2-day NERC-funded Advanced Training Short Course will provide environmental scientists with an overview of the metabolomics pipeline. The course is intended for environmental scientist with little or no previous experience of metabolomics and who are interested to discover how this relatively new and powerful approach could be integrated into their research. Experts working in the NERC Metabolomics facility-NBAF-Birmingham will teach the course.
Topics covered:
- Introduction to environmental metabolomics with case studies
- Experimental design and quality control
- Sample collection and preparation
- Overview of analytical laboratory techniques (mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy)
- Overview of data processing and statistics for metabolomics
- Introduction to metabolite identification
For further information and registration details, please visit https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/facilities/metabolomics-training-centre/courses/introduction-metabolomics-environmental.aspx
Click here to view additional Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre courses.