Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism and Function
The third Plant Lipids GRC is scheduled for Jan. 27 – Feb. 1, 2013 in Galveston, Texas. The program for the meeting has been assembled around the theme of “Emerging and advancing research areas in plant lipid metabolism and signaling”. Presentations will focus on elucidation of lipid signaling and lipid metabolic mechanisms, strategies to enhance production of economically important plant products, and new lipid imaging strategies. The GRC on Plant Lipids will bring together experts working to create and disseminate new research tools, discovering fundamental paradigms for lipid-mediated regulation of development, physiology, and stress responses and developing new understanding of lipid storage and homeostasis. We are anticipating much discussion of basic and applied research on plant lipids.
For the first time, a pre-conference Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) , January 26-27, 2013 at the same location, is being organized by investigators at the graduate student and postdoctoral levels for investigators at the graduate student and postdoctoral levels. This seminar is intended to provide (1) background that will enhance understanding of science presented at the subsequent conference, (2) opportunities to share research and to network with peers and experts in the field, and (3) peer and expert feedback and supportive suggestions about ongoing research.
Application and registration is a two-part process. First, you apply. We have already submitted applications for invited participants, so, if you received an invitation to speak or lead a discussion, you can skip this step. Others should apply now. When your application is accepted (this may be one-two months from now), you will be notified by email and, at that time, you will need to register. Funding/payment is needed at the time of registration.
We are now accepting applications for the Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Plant Lipids. Now would be a good time for you to apply to secure your participation. Online applications can be found here:
GRC (any plant lipid scientist, including postdocs and students): http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?year=2013&program=plantlipid
GRS (postdocs, students): http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?year=2013&program=grs_plntli
Please note: Postdocs and students who wish to attend both meetings have to submit a separate application for each .
Please include a brief statement (abstract) of your research with the application (see information in next paragraph regarding additional information needed for consideration of students and postdocs for funding) and let us know in the application if you would like to make a poster presentation related to your plant lipid research. The abstract does not need to be exactly what will be presented, as abstracts are not published. The abstract is primarily for the chairs’ information. Posters presented at the GRS can be presented again at the GRC. The final oral presentation program will include a limited number of talks selected from the poster abstracts. Please indicate with your poster abstract if you would like it to be considered for a talk (or not) . The final program will be assembled by the middle of December and you will be notified shortly thereafter if you are selected to present a talk.
We have requested funding from federal agencies and industrial/commercial sponsors. At the current time, several industrial/commercial sponsors have come forward with funding (see the Plant Lipids GRC website for their logos and thanks!!). We hope that grants and contributions, along with a base of funds from the GRC, will allow us to cover the registration costs for invited participants and all or partial registration costs for some additional participants. However, we currently aren’t sure of the status of our grant requests. We hope to be able to indicate some fund allocations to participants as applications are accepted (before your registration, so you will know when you have to make payment). However, other funding may be available as we near conference time. Please indicate your need for support in your application and we will consider as many requests as we can. Most support will go to students and postdocs, but some may be available for others.
In particular, for students and postdoctoral trainees to be considered for funding for GRC and/or GRS registration: please submit at the time of your application or shortly thereafter ( to welti@ksu.edu ) : a short CV, an abstract describing your work, a short statement indicating how participation in the GRC/GRS will help you to achieve your career goals, and a letter of recommendation from your current advisor. Please combine the first three documents into one, and submit as a pdf, if feasible.