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Data Analysis for Metabolic Phenotyping

Feb 23, 2016 - Feb 26, 2016

This 3.5-day course aims to provide an overview of data analysis for metabolic phenotyping studies, using data acquired from both liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy.

It combines lectures and tutorial sessions to ensure a thorough understanding of the theory and practical applications.

  • Pre-processing of data acquired via LC-MS and NMR.
  • Basic chemometrics and unsupervised analysis including PCA.
  • Supervised analysis and advanced chemometrics – OPLS and O2PLS
  • Pathway analysis and statistical spectroscopy.

The course does not assume any experience of coding or statistical analysis. Please visit our website at


or contact Dr Tim Ebbels (iptc@imperial.ac.uk) for further information.

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