– CSC-2016 is FREE of charge for students at any level.
– PhD students can obtain a maximum of 12 ECTS.
– We will count with highly recognized chemometricians as lecturers/teachers: Frans van den Berg, Riccardo Leardi, Thomas Skov, Tormod Næs, Rasmus Bro, Age Smilde, Åsmund Rinnan, Evrim Acar, Federico Marini and Jose M. Amigo.
– Bonus track: There is the possibility to attend the “Introduction to Matlab for Multivariate Data Analysis” PhD course (see this flyer for more information).
The maximum number of participants will be 20 participants per seminar. Therefore, it’s strongly recommend to contact Jose Amigo (jmar@food.ku.dk) as soon as possible for keeping your seat!
How to enroll in the CSC-2016? Please, send an e-mail to Jose Amigo (jmar@food.ku.dk) with the information requested in this flyer.