ANZSMS25/AOMSC6: The 25th Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry (ANZSMS) and the 6th Conference of the Asia and Oceania Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference (AOMSC).
ANZSMS was formed in 1970 and has as its mission to bring together the broad spectrum of scientists who work in the field of mass spectrometry and its allied disciplines. In keeping with this mission, ANZSMS25 will promote the science of mass spectrometry by facilitating interaction with local, regional and international leaders from all areas of science in which mass spectrometry plays a central role. We are delighted to be holding ANZSMS25 as a joint meeting with our sister societies in Asia and Oceania. This will be the 6th time the AOMSC has been held and the first in the southern hemisphere and provides a unique opportunity to engage with the world-class science and scientists from our own region. We hope you will join us in Brisbane for this exciting showcase of mass spectrometric research.”
The 2015 conference will include a Metabolomics session sponsored by the Metabolomics Society, featuring Prof Lloyd Sumner. Travel awards are available for Early Career member of the Metabolomics Society and the Australia New Zealand Metabolomics Network (https://sites.google.com/site/anzmn2/travel-awards).