Analytical Tools for Cutting-edge Metabolomics
This is a joint meeting of the Analytical Division of the RSC and the Metabolomics Society
Analytical chemistry has been one of the driving forces behind the development of metabolomics research over the past decade. The conference will bring together exceptional scientists for a program consisting of plenary and invited talks, posters, as well as an oral session devoted to early career researchers. It will be an excellent opportunity for analytical chemists to learn more about metabolomics and its application, and for metabolomics scientists to improve their knowledge of cutting-edge bioanalytical tools.
For more information and to register online click here
Travel Grants and Bursaries
The organisers are keen to promote the attendance and oral contributions from early-career scientists. Both the Analytical Division of the RSC and the Metabolomics Society are pleased to contribute several travel awards of up to £200 each, to offset the costs of travel and registration. To be eligible for these awards, the recipient must be either:
A student member of the RSC and a member of the Analytical Division, or a student member of the Metabolomics Society OR
An early career scientist (up to 5 years post PhD) who is either a member of the Analytical Division of the RSC or is a member of the Metabolomics Society.
These travel grants will be decided based upon the quality of the submitted abstracts for oral presentation and each of the recipients will be required to give a short oral presentation during the early-career speaker’s session. In addition, the best of these presenters will be awarded the Metabolomics Society’s best talk prize.