Introduction to Metabolomics for the Microbiologist
This three-day course introduces how untargeted metabolomics can be applied to study microbial systems in academic and industrial research. The course provides an overview of the metabolomics pipeline, experimental design, sample preparation and data acquisition. The course is led by experts in the field of metabolomics and will include lectures, hands-on laboratory sessions in sample preparation and data acquisition and computer workshops focused on data processing and data analysis.
Topics covered
- Introduction to metabolomics, both targeted and untargeted approaches
- Experimental design and the importance of quality control samples in untargeted metabolomics
- Analytical strategies applied in metabolomics with a focus on mass spectrometry
- Hands-on laboratory sessions focused on sample preparation and to include metabolic quenching and extraction procedures, intracellular and exometabolome samples and polar and non-polar extraction methods
- Hands-on laboratory sessions focused on sample analysis for untargeted metabolomics studies using an Acquity UPLC coupled to a Xevo QToF mass spectrometer
- Hands-on workshop focused on data processing and data analysis
- Hands-on workshop focused on an introduction to metabolite identification
- Question and answer session with the experts