Merlion Metabolomics Workshop Singapore 2014
Merlion Metabolomics Workshop Singapore 2014
Developing Metabolomics Platform Technologies through Singapore-French Research Alliance
About the Workshop
This workshop leverages on the strong infrastructure towards applying metabolomics approaches in environment, food science and technology, and human health at National University of Singapore (NUS) (acting through NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI) and the expertise in the area of nutrition, toxicology at the National Research Institute of Agronomy (acting through MetaboHUB), to encourage technical exchanges and catalyze the development of research collaboration in the field of metabolomics between Singapore and France. This workshop also provides opportunities for the knowledge and technologies developed in Europe to be applied in the Asian context, especially in Southeast Asia.
This 3-day workshop features three important areas of metabolomics research, namely, Environment, Food Science and Technology, and Human Health. Technology aspects will be embedded within these areas. Eight tracks, including two sessions for young researchers, will facilitate knowledge sharing and discussions over 2.5 days during the workshop. A half-day technical site visit to research and/or manufacturing facilities will be arranged for a selected group of participants. Prominent scientists in metabolomics from Asia-Pacific region will also be invited to the workshop.
We invite you to join us at this workshop!
More information on abstract submission and registration are available on the website: MERLION METABOLOMICS WORKSHOP SINGAPORE 2014
For further information, please e-mail us at: metabolomics2014@nus.edu.sg
This workshop is jointly organized by:
NUS Environmental Research Institute of Singapore (NERI)
French National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA)
Institut Français Singapore (IFS)