Call for Nominations for Directors of the Metabolomics Society

It is the time of year for the Metabolomics Society to undertake the annual process of nominating and electing new members to serve on the Society’s Board of Directors. We strongly encourage all Society members to play a role in nominations and elections.

  • Expectations for Directors appointment
    The Society is led through the voluntary efforts of the Board of Directors. While this provides motivated individuals a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the activities, communications and ultimate growth of our metabolomics community, it also requires a time commitment of typically 2 hours per week. In addition to tasks orchestrated through the monthly Board Meeting, each Director is expected to serve on at least two committees or task groups, and, in many cases, to lead and chair such a group.
  • Nominations process
    Please keep in mind that the Society is an international organization involved in a wide range of subjects in the field of metabolomics. Our directors will serve us best if they reflect the diversity of backgrounds, expertise, interests, and geographic distribution of the many individuals who comprise our membership.
    In brief:
    • All individuals nominated must be current members of the Metabolomics Society.
    • All non-student members are eligible to stand for the Board.
    • At least two members of the Society must second the nomination of the Proposer; a total of 3 members must support each nominee. 
    • There are (7) open positions this year, including President and Secretary in the Officer Election that will follow the Director Election. 

If you wish to nominate an individual to stand for election to the Board of Directors, please complete the nomination form (button below) no later than July 18.

Nominees will be required to provide a short biography and statement of purpose by July 22.

We look forward to welcoming new talent to the Board!