Early-Career Members Network

About the EMN

The EMN, established in 2013, aims to provide a forum for metabolomics researchers at the start of their professional career and serve the early-career members of the Metabolomics Society.

Aspirations include, but are not limited to:

  • strengthen communication and collaboration,
  • encourage opportunities and invention,
  • support developmental learning and mentoring,
  • promote professional growth.

Emphasis is also set on diversity, and the EMN strives to represent ECRs from different parts of the world. The EMN consists of the chair, the secretary, the treasurer, the advisor (BoD member) and 11 other members. Applications for EMN are open every year in July/August. The term starts in October and is planned to last for two years, with evaluation after year one.

EMN members are expected to contribute to 3-4 different task groups (TGs), such as Conference Workshop, Conference Events, Networking and Recruitment, Online Presence, Bursary, Webinar, etc. For information about specific TGs, see the menu on the left.

Get in touch, we’re easy to reach! Send an e-mail to info.emn@metabolomicssociety.org or find us online:

X                     @EMN_MetSoc

BlueSky           @emn-metsoc.bsky.social

LinkedIn           https://www.linkedin.com/company/emn-metsoc/

EMN Task Groups

ECR Voices Task Group
EMN Voices aims to promote Early-Career Researchers (ECRs) in the field of metabolomics via the EMN social media accounts: X, LinkedIn, and Bluesky. ECRs, including PhD students, Post Docs, and Junior Faculty within 5 years from their PhD, can contact the EMN to create a personalized social media post featuring their research interests, current affiliation, location, and contact information. The post is generated via a PowerPoint template that the ECR completes and is reviewed by the TG to assure compliance. Since the start of this initiative in 2024, more than 50 ECRs have already been featured on the EMN X page!

Contact us to create your own ECR Voice post via one of our social media accounts or email us info.emn@metabolomicssociety.org.

Bursary Task Group
The Bursary Task Group is responsible for the EMN Travel Bursary Awards. These awards provide support for Early-Career scientists to attend and actively participate in the annual Metabolomics conference to promote their professional development. The bursary is intended to support Early-Career members with a special interest in supporting the EMN, and who aspire to join the EMN committee in the near future. Information including eligibility for grant applications will be available to view on the Metabolomics Society conference website annually.

This task group also coordinates the annual EMN committee elections, which are typically held in July/August. Information including eligibility for grant applications will be available to view on the Metabolomics Society website annually.

Workshop Task Group
The Workshop Task Group is an initiative focusing on career development for ECRs. This group proposes a theme for a workshop each year to take place during the annual conference of the Metabolomics Society. The goal is to provide participants with insight and resources on topics that will help with career and professional growth.

Previous years have covered topics such as communicating skills through CV, career transition phases, and the development of independent research. The workshop strives to be interactive, with open discussion between the ECR audience, EMN members and invited panellists from academia and industry.

Resources from the Metabolomics 2024 EMN Workshop can be accessed via the following links:
V.2 of Copy of Workshop outline EMN 2024 (Presentation format).pptx
The STARR Method
Hard and Soft Skills Resources
CV, Resume and Cover Letters
Resources for ECRs in Metabolomics

Webinar Task Group
The Webinar Task Group is a dedicated initiative within the EMN, aimed at fostering knowledge exchange and professional growth among ECRs in metabolomics. Our primary goals include:
  • providing accessible and high-quality educational content,
  • highlighting groundbreaking techniques in metabolomics,
  • bridging the gap between young scientists and senior experts through interactive learning.
We organize monthly webinars covering diverse topics in metabolomics, led by senior scientists and leading experts in the field, to inspire innovation, encourage collaboration, and support the next generation of metabolomics professionals. Through these webinars, we hope to provide an inclusive platform for education, discussion, and networking. Previous webinars can be accessed on the Multimedia page or on the Society YouTube Channel.

Online Presence Task Group
The Online Presence Task Group is a key initiative within the EMN, tasked with managing all forms of online communication and media engagement. This group drives efforts to connect ECRs globally, promoting their professional development and fostering collaboration within the metabolomics community.

The task group oversees the EMN’s social media presence, including posts about networking events, workshops, resources, and other initiatives tailored towards ECRs.

Connect with us! Conference Initiatives Task Group
The Conference Task Group is responsible for highlighting the EMN at the annual conference. One of the main tasks is organizing social events for ECRs attending the conference. These include Career Night and the EMN Reception. Career Night features round table discussions with renowned metabolomics researchers focused on various topics relevant to ECRs (e.g. grant writing, how to publish, career transitions, science communication).

The EMN Reception is the highlight of the conference for EMN, where the EMN showcases all benefits, and the award ceremony is held (EMN Travel Awards, MetaboART). Various social activities are organized (e.g. quizzes, games) and there’s plenty of time to network.

This TG is also responsible for the EMN booth, where attendees can chat with current EMN members and learn how to get involved, and enjoy nice promotional items.

2024 MetaboArt winners: MetaboART Winners 2024 Networking and Recruitment Task Group
The Networking and Recruitment Task Group, closely related to the Membership Committee, is formed by ECRs in the field and aims to foster collaboration and global engagement within the metabolomics community. Our goals include:
  • diversify and expand networking opportunities for ECRs creating inclusive platforms to share ideas,
  • build professional relationships,
  • promote career development,
  • strengthen connections between metabolomics communities and international affiliates worldwide, promoting collaboration across regions and disciplines.
We organize networking events with other affiliates, intended to promote closer cooperation between different societies and serve as an additional opportunity for early-career metabolomics researchers to meet, apart from the annual in-person conference.

EMN Committee Alumni

Chair: Silvia Radenkovic, Netherlands
Secretary: Monique Ryan, Australia
Treasurer: Breanna Dixon, UK
Aleš Kvasnička, Norway
Ambrin Farizah Babu, Finland
Daniela Andrea Ramirez, Argentina
Diana Pinto, Portugal
Jayden Lee Roberts, Australia
Loic Mervant, France
Manish Kumar, USA
Marina Tonetti Botana, New Zealand
Simone Zuffa, USA
Thomas Dussarrat, France
Thomas Vial, France
MetSoc Advisor: Natasa Giallourou, Cyprus

Chair: Silvia Radenkovic, USA
Secretary: Marvin Nathanael Iman, Japan
Treasurer: Millena Barros Santos, France
Aleš Kvasnička, Czechia
Anza-Tshilidzi Ramabulana, South Africa
Breanna Dixon, UK
Daniel Mutithu, South Africa
Daniela Andrea Ramirez, Argentina
Diana Pinto, Portugal
Domenica Berardi, USA
Manish Kumar, India
Monique Ryan, Australia
Simone Zuffa, USA
Thomas Vial, France
MetSoc Advisor: Natasa Giallourou, Cyprus

Chair: Evelina Charidemou, Cyprus
Secretary: Álvaro Fernández Ochoa, Spain
Treasurer: Laimdota Zizmare, Germany
Anza-Tshilidzi Ramabulana, South Africa
Daniel Mutithu, South Africa
Domenica Berardi, Scotland
Fitri Amalia, Japan
Marvin Nathanael Iman, Japan
Millena Barros Santos, France
Sandi Azab, Canada
Silvia Radenkovic, USA
Sofina Begum, USA
Susana Alejandra Palma Duran, UK
Tee Khim Boon, Malaysia
MetSoc Advisor: Natasa Giallourou, Cyprus

Chair: Evelina Charidemou, Cyprus
Secretary: Vinicius Veri Hernandes, Austria
Treasurer: Stefania Noerman, Finland
Álvaro Fernández Ochoa, Spain
Dimitrios E. Damalas, Greece
Fitri Amalia, Japan
Johanna Jokioja, Finland
Laimdota Zizmare, Germany
Michelle E. Reid, Netherlands
Purva Kulkarni, Netherlands
Sandi Azab, Canada
Sofina Begum, USA
Susana Alejandra Palma Duran, UK
Tee Khim Boon, Maylasia
Past-Chair Advisor: Marine Letertre, France
MetSoc Advisor: Natasa Giallourou, UK

Chair: Marine Letertre, France
Secretary: Caroline Birer, France
Treasurer: Alexandra George, Australia
Dimitrios E. Damalas, Greece
Evelina Charidemou, Cyprus
Jennifer Matthews, Australia
Kehau A. Hagiwara, USA
Michelle E. Reid, Switzerland
Msizi Mhlongo, South Africa
Purva Kulkarni, Netherlands
Stefania Noerman, Finland
Vinicius Veri Hernandes, Italy
Past-Chair Advisor: Natasa Giallourou, UK
MetSoc Advisor: Krista Zanetti, USA

Chair: Natasa Giallourou, UK
Secretary: Elena Legrand, Canada
Treasurer: Katharina Herzog, Sweden
Alexandra George, Australia
Caroline Birer, USA
Corey Giles, Australia
Fatema Bhinderwala, USA
Jennifer Matthews, Australia
Jun Zhou, USA
Msizi Mhlongo, South Africa
Oana Zeleznik, USA
Patrick Trainor, USA
MetSoc Advisor: Krista Zanetti, USA

Chair: Isabel Orf, UK
Secretary: Dara Daygon, Australia
Treasurer: Fatema Bhinderwala, USA
Christina Jones, USA
Corey Giles, Australia
Elena Legrand, USA
Julia Maria Malinowska, UK
Jun Zhou, USA
Katharina Herzog, Sweden
Natasa Giallourou, UK
Patrick Trainor, USA
Umaporn Uawisetwathana, Thailand
Past-Chair Advisor: Charmion Cruickshank, USA
MetSoc Advisor: Krista Zanetti, USA

Chair: Charmion Cruickshank, USA
Secretary: Julia Kuligowski, Spain
Treasurer: Isabel Orf, UK
Candice Z. Ulmer, USA
Christina Jones, USA
Dara Daygon, Australia
Johannes Fahrmann, USA
Ricardo Suarez-Heredia, UK
Romanas Chaleckis, Japan
Tim Causon, Austria
Umaporn Uawisetwathana, Thailand
Zhanlong Mei, China
Past-Chair Advisor: Stacey Reinke, Australia
MetSoc Advisor: Krista Zanetti, USA

Chair: Stacey Reinke, Australia
Secretary: Fidele Tugizimana, South Africa
Treasurer: Johannes Fahrmann, USA
Aoife O’Gorman, Ireland
Baljit Ubhi, USA
Candice Z. Ulmer, USA
Charmion Cruickshank, USA
Devin Benheim, Australia
Jan Stanstrup, Denmark
Julia Kuligowski, Spain
Nicola Gray, UK
Romanas Chaleckis, Japan
Tim Causon, Austria
MetSoc Advisor: Krista Zanetti, USA

Chair: Nicholas (Nik) Rattray, UK
Secretary: Agneta Kiss, France
Treasurer: Stacey Reinke, Sweden
Aoife O’Gorman, Ireland
Baljit Ubhi, USA
Biswapriya Misra, USA
Devin Benheim, Australia
Fidele Tugizimana, South Africa
Jan Stanstrup, Denmark
Jennifer Reid, Canada
Justin J.J. van der Hooft, UK
Nicola Gray, UK
Ralf Weber, UK
Past-Chair Advisor: Sastia Putri, Japan
MetSoc Advisor: Krista Zanetti, USA

Chair: Sastia Putri, Japan
Secretary: David Liesenfeld, Germany
Treasurer: Vincent Asiago, USA
Agneta Kiss, France
Biswapriya Misra, USA
Evangelia (Eva) Daskalaki, UK
Gabriel Valbuena, UK
Jennifer Reid, Canada
Justin J.J. van der Hooft, UK
Nicholas (Nik) Rattray, UK
Ralf Weber, UK
Thomas (Tom) Payne, UK
MetSoc Advisor: Krista Zanetti, USA

Chair: Sastia Putri, Japan
Secretary: David Liesenfeld, Germany
Treasurer: Vincent Asiago, USA
Evangelia (Eva) Daskalaki, UK
Gabriel Valbuena, UK
Justin J.J. van der Hooft, UK
Lindsay Edwards, UK
Nicholas (Nik) Rattray, UK
Ralf Weber, UK
Thomas (Tom) Payne, UK