1. In what biological/chemical laboratory related topic(s) would you like to receive training?Training Need | Introductory Training | Advanced Training |
Targeted analyses | 47 | 83 | Untargeted analyses | 51 | 96 | Metabolic flux analysis | 73 | 62 | Data quality | 54 | 100 | Sample preparation | 34 | 68 | Liquid chromatography | 36 | 59 | Gas chromatography | 20 | 36 | Capillary electrophoresis | 27 | 12 | Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy | 45 | 39 | Mass spectrometry | 33 | 68 | LIMS (Laboratory information management system) | 35 | 35 | Spectral interpretation and metabolite identification | 45 | 103 |
Advanced Training
2. In what bioinformatics related topic(s) would you be interested in receiving training?Training Need | Introductory Training | Advanced Training |
Data processing | 52 | 99 | Biostatistics and/or chemometrics | 47 | 114 | Network analysis | 60 | 72 | Metabolite identification | 52 | 98 | Data repositories | 50 | 44 | Databases | 46 | 63 | Data standards | 35 | 58 | Workflows | 48 | 37 | Programming languages | 59 | 51 | Software tools for metabolomics | 67 | 84 |
Advanced Training
3. In what programming related topic(s) would you like to receive training?Training Need | Introductory Training | Advanced Training |
Data mining | 55 | 50 | Data parsing | 39 | 25 | APIs and web services | 35 | 18 | Database design | 45 | 23 | Excel | 14 | 31 | SQL | 30 | 18 | Python | 39 | 23 | Perl | 24 | 12 | Java | 27 | 9 | C/C++ | 26 | 13 | R-language | 59 | 77 | Matlab | 53 | 46 | Command line Unix | 18 | 18 |
Advanced Training
4. What databases do you routinely use?
5. What data repositories/databases/tools would you like training on?